There are still millions of environmentalists who don’t vote – Be part of Elders Promote the Vote – it’s proven to work
An analysis of nation-wide elections shows that in 2020 over 8 million individually identifiable environmentalists didn’t vote. Therefore, the key to getting powerful environmental policies in place might not be to persuade more Americans to be environmentalists; it may be as simple as getting more existing environmentalists to vote.
ECA continues its strong partnerships with the Environmental Voter Project (EVP) and Elders for Sound Democracy (ESD) to encourage millions of underrepresented voters to vote and have their votes counted. Research shows that people with strong environmentalist priorities are not always the most consistent voters. But they are easily persuaded to vote. Elders Promote the Vote (ProVote) aims to significantly increase voter engagement by identifying inactive environmentalists and turning them into consistent voters through our phone banking, post carding, canvassing and other outreach efforts. We held hundreds of phone banks leading up to the 2020 election and ECA’s volunteers reached over 1 million voters since 2018. We continue to expand our efforts to reach the millions of non-voting environmentalists still out there, join us! Join us to phone bank, write post cards to voters, canvass, and more.
Sign up below for more information.
EVP’s research shows that our get-out-the-vote efforts were greatly effective in increasing voter turnout. In 2020, almost one million environmentalists contacted by ProVote and other EVP volunteers voted for the first time in their lives. Learn more about EVP’s results here or watch the Introduction to the EVP video here. Join us and ensure that strong environmentalists are showing up at the polls for every election.
Join us to help build a strong pro-climate electorate by volunteering today!
Please complete the form below to be part of this exciting project, if you are having difficulty with the form below, click here.