NorCal Chapter Elders – We work for them…


At Elders Climate Action NorCal we know we must actively work not only FOR the future of our children and grandchildren but also WITH them. 

We also know that today we must take action to address the climate crisis despite the challenges. Powerful, active hope and sustained advocacy can have profound consequences for our families and communities. 



Our goal is to help create a healthy and beautiful environment, equitable for all. 

  • We enable Elders to more easily and directly engage with Northern California’s diverse communities. 
  • We address the climate crisis at the local, regional, state and national levels.
  • We advocate for new laws and solutions to climate concerns together with other organizations.
  • We intend to work intergenerationally with everyone from young activists to those on the verge of elderhood. 

The work of Elders Climate Action NorCal takes many forms and is shaped by the interests of our members. This is how we, as Elders, can serve the future today.

Communicate often and get inspired. Our monthly Zoom meetings are fun, invigorating and full of good ideas. We feature informative speakers plus have time to exchange news and create connections. To join us, send a note to and we’ll send you an invite to our next session!


Every two weeks, we also publish our ACTION ALERT, a comprehensive rundown that includes timely action ideas, eco-tips, and articles that are both cutting edge and optimistic. 

See our latest Action Alerts and learn about our activities HERE.

Connect with like minded organizations and individuals. Many members of ECA are also leaders in their communities and active in other organizations. By pooling our efforts and sharing our knowledge, we create impact and support the climate work of others across the generations. 

Take action and advocate for the future. Our members routinely find ways they can speak out for the climate, whether that’s to government leaders or community members. We identify action and advocacy opportunities that are timely and important, often in concert with other climate organizations in order to amplify our collective voices. 


Our members come from throughout Northern California, from the Oregon border to just north of Fresno. We include people from every part of the Bay Area, from Sacramento, and from other communities such as the Sierra foothills. We are also working across our geographic borders to help grow ECA chapters, including in Washington, Oregon and Southern California. 

Want to join our efforts or just get to know us?


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The NorCal Chapter of Elders Climate Action – Joining our voices for our grandchildren, future generations, and all life. 



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