Other than the appalling green light for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, the climate movement suffered no major betrayals in the Fiscal Responsibility Act that raised the debt ceiling. But it added some requirements that could cause delays in the much-needed upgrades to our power transmission systems: the act requires the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) to conduct a study to determine whether the U.S. needs more transmission capacity between regions. Once the study is completed (NERC has 18 months), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has another year to seek public comments and file a report with Congress.
Thanks to the IRA, the U.S. is rapidly building new clean power generation capacity along with more EVs and green building innovations to use that clean energy. But – to move our new wind and solar power from wide open spaces where it is generated to towns and cities where people will use it, we must have a lot more transmission capacity and better connectivity between regions. This recent study concluded that 80 percent of the greenhouse gas reductions funded under the IRA could be lost if the U.S. doesn’t build enough transmission capacity, leaving us with dirty fossil-fueled energy. Fortunately, boosting transmission capacity between regions is a top priority for FERC’s acting Chairman Willie Phillips,who plans to move ahead at FERC concurrently with the NERC study.
Click here to send a letter to Chairman Phillips, asking him to use FERC’s full authority to accelerate transmission improvements between regions.
And on Sunday July 16, 2:30-5 pm Central Time ((3:30-6 pm Eastern), attend (in-person or virtually) FERC’s Joint Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission, and submit a comment using this text. Click here for FERC guidance on commenting.