Click on the links below to read current and past ECA Action Alerts:

2024 Action Alerts

June 2024, We’re Speaking Up and Speaking out for Climate Action

May 2024, Send Postcards to Voters, Electrify Your Life, and Other Ways to Act

April 2024, TODAY is the Day to ACT.

February 2024, We LOVE Climate Wins! And Need Your Action For More.


2023 Action Alerts

December 2023, Finalize Strong Standards for Air Pollution & a Special Event for the New Year

October 2023, Yes We Can!

September 2023, Climate Actions Need the Support of All Elders: Explore the Opportunities!

August 2023, Important September Events—Global Climate Strike, The March to End Fossil Fuels, ECA Special Events, National Call and More!

May 2023, May is Clean Air Month! We’re responding with Action.

April 2023, April 22 will be the 53rd Earth Day. My, how time flies when you’re trying to save a planet!

March 2023, Tomorrow is the Day of Action – We hope you’re joining in!

February 2023, Happy Valentine’s Day! Show your love with ACTION.

January 2023, Jan 18 (tomorrow!) and 20 – Join “Spark Joy(e)” Actions


2022 Action Alerts

December 2022, What We Need Is 100% Zero Emissions Vehicles – A Zev-Athon!

November 2022, The Children’s Message to World Leaders: Climate Destruction is Child Abuse


September 2022, We Oppose Manchin’s Side Deal.

August 2022, We Needed the IRA: Now Let’s Fix It!

July 2022

June 2022

May 2022

April 2022

March 2022

February 2022

January 2022


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