Florence, Oregon couple calls for city to do more to take a stand against climate
By Adam Duvernay, Photos by Dana Sparks, Register-Guard, April 22, 2021
For the last 83 weeks in a row, Michael Allen and his allies have rallied together to call for the City of Florence to do more and say more concerning the world’s changing climate.
For Allen, at 80 years old, the future of the planet and its inhabitants is still very much on his mind.
“What do we want to leave our children, our grandchildren and our great grandchildren? We probably helped create the mess in some ways,” Allen said. “We have to do this for our progeny and everyone else. I recognize it is a serious threat to our planet, as well.” Link to complete article and more photos
Also, Listen to Mike Allen’s climate interview, which aired on KXCR in April 2021.