Electrify Everything! Support a Federal Clean Energy Standard of 100% by 2035

Climate scientists agree that a big first step in ending America’s carbon emissions will be a federal commitment to achieve 100% fossil-free electricity generation by 2035, as our “Clean Energy Standard,” with implementation in every State. Please sign this letter to your Federal and State legislators demanding action on this. You can add a personal message about how climate change threatens you and your loved ones. See a succinct explanation of the Clean Energy Standard here.

Here are some additional resources, if you’re interested in learning more (you don’t need to read these before you sign the letter).  Visit Rewiring America to see a detailed roadmap to guide us as we “Electrify Everything” . This approach is supported by a raft of other expert analyses you can check out, including: the University of California Berkeley’s Goldman School; Princeton Energy Innovation; and Evergreen Collaborative with Data for Progress.

Members of Congress often say they don’t hear about climate change from their constituents.  Let’s change that!  Add your personalized message or customize ours.  It’s quick and easy!


Enter your address below and click start writing to see our letter template and customize the text.

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