NorCal Chapter Elders – We work for them…
We are motivated California Elders solving climate change through connection, communication and action. We are fiercely proud that our state is a world leader in climate policy, legislation, clean business and environmental justice. We recognize that we must actively work not only for the future of children and grandchildren but also with them – how about you?
In ECA NorCal, we work to enable Elders to engage our diverse communities locally, regionally, state and country-wide as well as globally, to advocate for new laws and solutions to climate concerns that help create a healthy and beautiful environment, equitable for all.
We work across our geographic borders to help grow ECA chapters including Washington, Oregon and Southern California. We appreciate vital members from the Oregon border throughout Northern California, with concentrations in the Bay Area and Sacramento, and including many additional NorCal communities North of Fresno. The new Sierra Foothills subgroup has a wide geographical range from Tahoe down to Placer and beyond. This group is a combined ECA and EAN group so we work with many consciousness and climate-oriented topics from both networks, including Democracy, Justice, Regenerative Living, and Actions on government policies and environmental issues. Please be in touch if you want to taste the fun and deep discussions we enjoy in our Sierra Foothills group: shirleyf@eldersaction.
Would you and/or your friends and family be interested in joining our efforts? We’d love to include your climate passion and energy! Please click HERE to begin receiving our range of newsletter communications and invitations to our monthly members Zoom session.
If you’d like to first meet us at our next monthly members Zoom session, please send a note to and we’ll send you an invite to our next monthly session! They are fun, invigorating and full of good ideas to live into the Elder role serving the future.
And join the upcoming event:
Thursday, February 13 at 2pm: “As goes California, so goes the world.”: bold action for a climate-safe future! Presented by Elders Climate Action NorCal chapter. Ellie Cohen, CEO of The Climate Center, will highlight recent climate science findings globally and in California, and share a sampling of priority climate policy challenges, successes and future opportunities. She will inspire citizen action to ensure that California, the world’s 5th largest economy, steps up its climate leadership by enacting the pioneering policies required by science. She will conclude with a hopeful view of our future. Register HERE(Please share this invite with others including leaders of environmental organizations you work with and ask them to share it with their members! If you can’t attend on 2/13 register to receive a link to the recording.)